Social media for lawyers and legal professionals

There is a lot of talk these days about how social media is increasingly influencing business and how a presence within social media can improve one’s professional reputation. Admittedly it can be negative in some instances but lets ignore that for the time being..!

In the past it’s always been a tricky one for lawyers who by nature are relatively risk averse. Continue reading

Outlook 2010 – More things to like.. Connecting socially?

In the same way legal technology providers have been making use of Outlook as the hub of a lawyers daily lives now Microsoft are at it. It’s not news but now that I have been playing with the social connector for a while I wanted to share some of my thoughts.

Right to the main question for a law firm. Do I think it should be turned on by default? Continue reading

Underdocumented elements of business analysis…

A LinkedIn update from Giles the other day read “Working on more reliable mechanisms for the transfer of the underdocumented elements of business analysis. Osmosis doesn’t quite cut it.” I’m not sure what exactly he meant (is underdocumented a word) but I joked  that perhaps he should use the ‘back of a fag packet’ approach. It got me thinking about requirements and the how best to share them and ultimately get them signed off.

What is a good requirement? Continue reading

Yammer… Organic growth or a little bit of structure? Or a bit of both?

There are lots of arguments for and against each side however it is my view that it should be a blend of both. My firm has been using Yammer for 3 years now and it’s never really taken off at all.. It was always limited to a small group of central knowledge workers with smatterings of IT, trainers and comm’s specialists.

A new Yammer drive in my firm has started which is good, Continue reading

Should Legal IT departments be innovative?

I was thinking the other day about Legal IT and who was going to define its future? It got me thinking about innovation in LegalIT and what our 3 main customers expect. They are each with their own requirements and needs, so do law firms, the lawyers and the law firms clients expect IT departments to be innovative?

A broad definition of what innovation is; “Innovation is the improving of an existing product, service, system or process and the introduction of something better.”

Continue reading