Social media for lawyers and legal professionals

There is a lot of talk these days about how social media is increasingly influencing business and how a presence within social media can improve one’s professional reputation. Admittedly it can be negative in some instances but lets ignore that for the time being..!

In the past it’s always been a tricky one for lawyers who by nature are relatively risk averse. Continue reading

Outlook 2010 – More things to like.. Connecting socially?

In the same way legal technology providers have been making use of Outlook as the hub of a lawyers daily lives now Microsoft are at it. It’s not news but now that I have been playing with the social connector for a while I wanted to share some of my thoughts.

Right to the main question for a law firm. Do I think it should be turned on by default? Continue reading

IT Marketing and Communications officer – The internal salesman?

I was reading a post by Simon May (@simonster) called the new heroes of the next gen IT dept.. and I wondered who currently fulfilled the IT Marketing and communications role in your IT dept? I know the post covers three roles but I’m only focusing on the last one.

Well does it sound familiar? Do you have a dedicated role to fulfill this responsibility? I’m guessing the simple answer is no. I’m sure there are people in various teams who fulfil the parts of the role but there is no single point of responsibility. Continue reading

Yammer… Organic growth or a little bit of structure? Or a bit of both?

There are lots of arguments for and against each side however it is my view that it should be a blend of both. My firm has been using Yammer for 3 years now and it’s never really taken off at all.. It was always limited to a small group of central knowledge workers with smatterings of IT, trainers and comm’s specialists.

A new Yammer drive in my firm has started which is good, Continue reading

Outlook 2010 – Two things I like already..

I have been beta testing a Win7 and Office 2010 desktop for over month now and I suddenly realised I haven’t mentioned some of the good features of Outlook.  I am running a 2003 desktop next to a 2010 one and the Outlook definitely performs better in 2010..

Two main ones that have caught my eye are; Continue reading